Continued Discomfort
In the last few years, I have become increasingly uncomfortable with the overly close relationship of the church and the Republican Party. We are now told to swallow former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Perhaps, Huckabee is the best candidate, but at this point I am unconvinced of that. He raised taxes in Arkansas. He sought to affect the release of a prisoners convicted of murder, one of which proceeded to commit murder. (Dukakis was blasted in 1988 for allowing Willie Horton out on weekend passes, but we look the other way now?)
I am undecided at this point. Huckabee is not qualified simply because he is a Christian or former minister. Other things will qualify, or disqualify, him. I now a great many Christians, but I would not want their fingers near the "button."
On top of that, I think Huckabee is playing to that mentality. Everything in politics is contrived and passed through the "How will this play in Peoria?" thinking. The commercial with the cross. That is so obvious. Huckabee, like any good politician, is playing to his base.
Do not vote for him simply because he used to be a minister or he is a "Christian leader." If you plan to vote for him, do so because you agree with his stance on the issues.