Monday, August 28, 2006

Commitment to God

What is commitment to God? Is it a commitment to a church? Is it a commitment to the Church? Is it commitment to other people? Is it a commitment to pray? Is it a commmitment to read the Bible? Is there a specific time to be committed to God? Is it commitment to spiritual growth? Is it commitment to a pastor?

Is there something special about the time and place one expresses their commitment to God? Does it have to be at 11:00 on Sunday morning?

I think that it is a commitment to spiritual growth. It is spiritual growth that brings us closer to God. It is spiritual growth that makes us more like Christ. What good is church if we are not changed? It's no more useful than sitting and staring at the wall. The same could be said for prayer and Bible reading. If it doesn't change us, it's useless. Church, prayer and Bible reading, among other things are tools to our spiritual growth.

1 comment:

Roy said...

Spiritual formation is a good definition. Growth in Christ-likeness is the ultimate goal. To think and do as Christ did is what God calls us to be and do. And we do that by spending time thinking on the things of God and listening to His voice. That is how we are transformed.