Tuesday, October 17, 2006

"I tried to pray without cussing."

That was a comment I heard a man say not so long ago. My daughter plays on a softball team that has many Christians on it. When they play, especially on Sundays, they always have a devotional and prayer before the games. One Sunday, the usual designated pray guy was busy, and someone else filled in. He offered a brief prayer for the safety of the girls and some other words. I could tell he was not at his most comfortable conversing with the Almighty. Later he went up to the man who usually prayers and said, "I tried to pray without cussing."

I thought about how offended some goody-goody Christians would be if they heard such a comment. I can heard the snide comments now. "How dare you say such a thing." "How could you even contemplate praying and cussing."

If some cusses while they pray, I say, "At least they are interacting with the Creator." What the hell? Let's all pray.

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