Monday, December 11, 2006

Our Obsession with Disaster

Have you noticed our obsession with disaster. This morning on the radio, I heard how our state is worried about a massive outbreak of the flu. They gave stats about how many people who work at the hospital would be out because they were sick or caring for sick family members. Then there would be the overcrowding of the hospital from people seeking treatment. Hundreds, no thousands, would be dead. The carnage would rival the French Revolution.

This past hurricane season was a collosal disappointment for those who love disaster. There were all sorts of predictions that we would exceed last year's (2005) 27 named storms. What a bust. The US was hit with a couple tropical storms, each of which did their share of damage.

We are obsessed with disaster. Why? Personally, I am content living a boring, disaster-free life.

1 comment:

Roy said...

Ratings my friend. Ratings. Disasters sell well. Look at the mileage the news orgs got out of Katrina. Even when they were reporting made up stuff and rumors, they had colossal ratings. Plus, they can blame it on the Bush Administration. It seems that everything is his fault. He has his share of issues, but hurricanes?

Sorry, I thought the news was real.

see my Max Headroom post