Friday, February 9, 2007

Pelosi's Plane Predicament

I don't write much about politics, as it is so divisive, but this one really bugs me.

The Republicans in Congress are whining about Nancy Pelosi's request to use Boeing 757-200 to fly back and forth between Washington, DC and San Francisco.

I am as conservative as they come. I vote Republican. I listen to Rush Limbaugh. I prefer Fox News to the others.

This is ridiculous for the Republicans to gripe about this. She is the Speaker of the House. Her home is on the opposite side of the country. Let her have her plane.


Roy said...

I think the beef is with the size of the plane. She wants one that can go coast to coast without refueling. In essence the same size that HAstert had, not one that seats 120 people.

It is petty, but that is American politics. Meanwhile the borders are being overrun and we are spending money like crazy.

Oh, and there is a war on.

bishopman said...

Like it or not, she is third in line to be President.

This is why I am beginning to hate politics. I used to be addicted to it. I would follow a story for a whole day, catching each drib and drab that came out.

I becoming fed up with both parties. Maybe I'll join the Tax Payers Union Party or something.

Unknown said...

I put these comments on another blog where this was being discussed but I will post them here, too.

+There has got to be a happy medium between a C-20 and a C-32 which is the military equivalent of a Boeing 757. She does not need a plane that size. Even some libs on MSNBC yesterday agreed with that.

+Check this:

And why does she need plane with:
-42 business class seats
-enclosed stateroom
-entertainment center
-private bed
-communications system
-16 person crew

+The more I read about this the more I see that Pelosi is wrong. Now she is crying sexism.
See here:

Also, she wants the plane for security reasons but she said that if she can't get a plane that doesn't need to refuel then she'll fly commercially. What sense does that make? It's safer for her to fly commercially with other people than to take a private jet and have to refuel? I don't get it.

Well, those are just a few of my thoughts.

Unknown said...

I'm just curious. Do ya think I'm way off base here?

bishopman said...

I am not a Pelosi fan. While it is a bit ridiculous to have a such a large plane, it seems like petty political bickering to fight over the size of it.