Monday, September 24, 2007

Legislating Morality

Legislating morality does not work.

Exhibit A: Prohibition.

The holiness movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries focused heavily on the temperance movement. They campaigned for prohibition. Then they won in 1919. The eighteenth amendment to the US Constitution was passed. The sale and traffic of intoxicating beverages was prohibited. The country would be free of alcohol forever.

What happened in the 1920s. As much alcohol as ever was consumed in that decade.

The issue of abortion is much the same. If abortion were banned tomorrow (through constitutional amendment or action of the Supreme Court), abortions would still happen. But, we would feel that something has been accomplished.

Moral issues are not a political or legal matter. Morality is a matter of the heart. As Christians, our job is not to change the law, but to work with the Holy Spirit to change hearts.

Civil Rights have not come so far because of legislation, but because of changing hearts.

We cannot substitute our political victory for spiritual victory. As Cal Thomas once wrote, "Our redemption will not come on Air Force One."

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