Sunday, September 9, 2007

Thanks A Lot, Bud. You Did It Again.

Bud Selig and Major League Baseball have yet again done all they can to further alienate people. As if starting the League Championship Series and World Series at the crack of midnight is not enough. In their infinite stupidity, the have moved all of the Division Series and the National League Championship Series to cable. For the love of all that is sacred, why on earth would they do that? Are they trying to follow the NHL model of relegating their sport to total indifference and obscurity?

Since I, like many Americans, do not have cable or satellite, I will not be watching any post-season baseball, except whatever is on Fox. It does not really matter anyway, I would not be able to stay up late enough to watch it.

I used to defend baseball as the true American pastime against those that claimed football was becoming the true American pastime. Not anymore.

The legacy of Bud Selig:
The 1994 strike, and subsequent cancellation of the World Series;
Midnight baseball;
Tied All-Star game;
(and now) non-network post-season baseball;

Thanks, Bud, for screwing the great American game!

1 comment:

Roy said...

Bud the Dud.

That pretty much sums it up.