What's in a Name?
The Democratic front runner for the party's nomination is Barack Obama. There has been a lot said recently about his middle name: Hussein. Many conservative types have been using his name to stir up sentiment against him. His campaign has also been very thin-skinned about the whole thing.
Since when is wrong to use someone's middle name? We use middle names frequently when talking about presidents: John Quincy Adams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dwight David Eisenhower, etc. I see nothing wrong with saying Barack Hussein Obama, after all it is the guy's name.
As someone who is quite sensitive about his middle name (What on earth was my mother thinking when she gave me my middle name?!), I can sympathize with Obama's sensitivity. But grow up, for crying out loud.
At the same time, are we supposed to withhold our vote for him simply because his middle name is the same as the last name of one of the worst tyrants of our time? Just because Saddam Hussein's last name and Barack Obama's middle are the same is no reason not to vote for Obama. If anyone does not vote him solely on those grounds, they are a fool
I can think of plenty of valid reasons to not vote for him:
-Socializing health care
-Raising taxes
-Foreign policy naiveté
-His liberal policies, in general (He makes George McGovern and Walter Mondale look like Rush Limbaugh)