Saturday, July 28, 2007

Wasteful Christians

One thing has always bugged be about some attitudes within the Christian community. One of those attitudes is wastefulness. My mom works at a Christian daycare. She is constantly bringing food home from the daycare that they were just going to throw away. It ranges from cereal bars to sweet-and-sour chicken (not sure why they get that for a daycare) to baked beans to bread. If she would not take it, it would wind up in the dumpster.

The sad thing is that there is a homeless shelter not too far from the daycare (5 miles or so) that is always in need of food. I guess we have forgotten about the biblical command to feed the hungry.


Roy said...

That is an American phenomenon, not just a Christian one. It is a cultural influence that has sadly crossed over into the church, like so many others. There is a great deal of waste in our society, and it may take a wrenching event similar to the 1930's to break those habits. I pray it doesn't come to that.

bishopman said...

True, but Christians should take the lead here.