Monday, November 12, 2007

I can relate to this...

Last night, I noticed that our phone was not working, and consequently neither was our Internet. So, after checking the connection at the box on the outside of the house, I call the phone company on my cell phone. The first thing they ask you to do is to punch in your number. So, presumably the computer has now stored that information. Then they asked you a series of ever-increasing-in-frustration questions about the problem. Good, the computer has stored all that useful information. When I actually get to talk to a real live person, the first question they ask me is, "Can I get your phone number?" Wait a minute, did the computer fail to give you that tidbit? Then the next questions: "What is the problem?" Why did I bother punching and punching in number after number?

Do companies give us this never ending list of "press 1 or 2," just to keep us busy?

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