Friday, May 18, 2007

Lame Excuses

Last night I watched a half-hour documentary that disturbed me greatly. You can view it by clicking here. Scroll down to "Watch Documentary," click on "Part 1."

As I listened to the excuses that most farmers and politicians gave, I could not help but think back to what I had read in the history books. They talked about how this was "a way of life." They brought up that it would "cost too much." They said that the conditions were better than what they had "where they came from."

Those thin excuses sound very similar to the excuses that people once used to rationalize the enslavement of blacks.

Migrant workers are people who need dignity and respect. They deserve clean living conditions. No on is saying it has to be the Ritz, but it should be fit for human inhabitation. It is despicable that our fellow man considers our fellow man of a different color to be something less than human.

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