Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Law of Unitended Consequences

In an effort to "protect the planet," environmentalists have forced upon us ethanol. Corn bases gasoline costs more and is less efficient than regular gas. Now we have discovered that shoving edible food into our gas tanks has caused food prices to rise. Here is a column from Fox.

This is the latest in a long line of environmentalists messing up our lives, and ultimately upsetting the environment and the market.

About ten or fifteen years ago, there was the big debate over paper versus plastic shopping bags. We were accused of killing trees if we wanted paper bags. Think about this: paper bags are biodegradable; plastic bags are made from petroleum, which we could be putting in our cars.

In the last few years, we have been ordered to use fluorescent light bulbs instead of Edison's incandescent light bulb. Now we discover that the fluorescent bulbs have mercury in them, which is harmful to the environment and a person's health.

If you want to help the planet, prevent an environmentalist from doing anything for the environment.

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