Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Finish Line

It's the end of the semester, almost. I have one more day of finals. This semester has been somewhat trying. My biggest frustration is the lack of motivation on the part of the students. It seems that they lose focus at the end of the semester. Many students who are on the border of "Pass/Fail Land" seem to be coasting to the finish line, and many will not make it. I had a number of students who should have been A or B students, but will sit through the class again because of being motivationally challenged.

Well, now it's a couple weeks off before summer school. At least summer school is only Monday through Thursday.

1 comment:

Roy said...

You must be tired. You missed a great spiritual application about those who start strong and fall away. Except there is no "do-over" in the spiritual realm.

Get some rest my friend
