Reality Show Unreality
When is this insipid run of reality show TV going to end?
I have never really liked any of these shows. Survivor is the worst. The Apprentice is almost as bad. Last night, Donald Trump gave us the newest incarnation of The Apprentice with celebrities (woo wee).
I guess it is easier to do reality TV than regular TV. One does not have to pay writers, who are still out on strike whining about money (boo-hoo). Instead you TV of (to borrow a phrase from Rush Limbaugh) "rank amateurs."
The thing I really do not like about reality shows is that they are not reality at all. Take Survivor. If people were stuck somewhere they would not get "voted off." The reason that there is no real reality TV is that most of our lives are not all that interesting, and no one would watch. So, they make up these "reality" shows.
Give me old-fashioned unreality TV.
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