Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Vacation Recap

This past Christmas vacation was very much different from any we have had.

My wife's parents took us and my wife's sister's family on a cruise through the western Caribbean. We set sail on December 23, and spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day floating southward. On December 26, we landed in Belize, a small Central American country. We visited the ancient Mayan ruins at Altun Ha. (If you say it fast enough, it sounds like Altoona.) On the 27th, we were at Roatan Island in Honduras. The following day we visited Grand Cayman. (That was great because I had to check in on my offshore bank accounts. I wish!) The 29th, we floated north toward Florida, and we debarked on the 30th.

All in all, it was a very relaxing vacation. I have never seen such small showers, and so much food. The water in the Caribbean was blue and clear as glass. The weather was quite balmy. (Sorry, to those stuck in colder climates.)

Happy New Year, to all.

1 comment:

Roy said...

you needed to relax :) That sounds like fun. We spent some time shoveling, sitting on the freeway behind a semi, car and gravel hauler accident in the snow, and more shoveling. Oh, and Michigan finally won a bowl game.

Happy New Year!