The Appeal of Evil
There is something about evil that is attractive. As I was watching The Chronicles of Narnia this weekend I noticed that the Ice Queen was a fairly attractive woman, except for that crazy hair-do. It brought back to my remembrance an interview that I saw with Mel Gibson around the the time that The Passion of the Christ came out. He said that he wanted to personify evil, but he did not feel it was right to portray evil as a hideous, ugly, distorted figure. Instead he chose an attractive woman to personify evil in the movie. You can seed the pictures of both women here (the Ice Queen on the left and Satan from The Passion on the right).
What Gibson is quite true. Evil is so enticing. It is so attractive. Whether it is porn, sex, drugs, or whatever, evil draws us in. If evil looked awful and horrible, no one would be attracted to it.
In Genesis 3, we read, "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it" (Genesis 3:6a).
Don't allow evil to entice you, and draw you away from God.